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A New Year A New You

Every New Year is a new start, an opportunity to begin afresh, leave old ideas, unresolved issues, regrets, and mental and physical clutter behind, and approach a new YOU, claiming what is rightfully yours. A good place to start is your dental health, which influences your overall wellness. What is better than having a beautiful, white smile, perfectly aligned teeth, and a healthy-looking and fully rejuvenated face to greet the day?

Cosmetic Dental Solutions

Dentistry has evolved substantially the last decade, providing us with state-of-the-art tools and techniques to help straighten misaligned, crooked, or protruded teeth with invisible braces. These guarantee discretion and will fix unsightly teeth problems in a short period of time. A number of different systems are available to suit each patient’s lifestyle. This means that you can now have a dream smile quite effortlessly, safely, and with long-lasting results.

Even if your smile only needs a small boost to be stunning, there are several teeth whitening treatments that guarantee exceptional results. As observed in many celebrities’ smiles you may opt for porcelain veneers to complete your cosmetic smile makeover and hide all imperfections.
Do you feel self-conscious because of cracked or chipped teeth? Let’s restore their natural shape while protecting them from further damage with crowns.

Are you missing more than two teeth, which makes you smile less or cover your mouth every time you talk? Allow restorative dentistry work its magic with a bridge or dental implants! This way, you will also see significant improvement in your speech and your chewing ability.
Make a commitment to your Face!

Besides a beautiful smile, you can also focus on regaining a youthful and rejuvenated face. It is beyond belief how wrinkles and lines, which have developed through facial expressions, can benefit from Botox treatments. Crow’s feet, forehead and frown lines, and creases around the eye will diminish. Botox can also soften lines in the neck area.

If you do not feel that a Botox treatment is right for you, you may favour the injection of dermal fillers. These smooth lines and volumize areas of your face that are sunken in through the aging process. Dermal fillers also help your skin regain its lost elasticity and firmness. Dermal fillers are popular for all ages. Lips and cheek enhancements, hand rejuvenations, non-surgical face lifts ….. A whole spectrum of youth enhancing treatments is available to you.

The genuine Dermaroller is another revolutionary skin treatment that reduces scarring and fine lines (i.e. acne, sun damage, etc.) and rejuvenates the skin with the help of micro-medical skin needling. Your skin will look more radiant, healthy, and fresh like never before!

Of course, we could not omit the issues most women have with thread veins of their legs. These often make us feel uncomfortable and less confident. Microsclerotherapy is a safe and highly effective treatment to let your legs appear flawless for the spring.

Another problem that can cause embarrassment is hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), which can be treated with Hyperhidrosis Treatment (please contact us for more information) Patients who have had their sweating treated have experienced a much improved social life. They have freedom to wear what they desire and to move without inhibitions.

Even if you didn’t manage to follow through last year’s resolutions, 2016 will be YOUR year for sure. So, let’s greet this year with expectation and enthusiasm.
Let’s welcome the New Year with a new YOU, shall we?

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