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What’s in your mouth?

According to Sigmund Socransky, associate clinical professor of periodontology at Harvard University: ‘In one mouth, the number of bacteria can easily exceed the number of people who live on Earth.’1 This seems to be a worrying thought !

So, why are there so many bacteria living in our mouths?
The warm temperatures and moist atmosphere within our mouths happen to be the perfect environment for bacteria to live and to thrive. On the whole, they are harmless but they do need to be managed with a good daily oral care regime.

Plaque on our dentition is a sticky substance where bacteria proliferate. It causes gum disease, tooth decay and even tooth loss. Regular home care, as advised by your dentist or hygienist will help to keep things under control.

At Mouth Matters in Chester, we help our patients to “keep their teeth for life” by improving their oral hygiene, advising on their sugar intake and by visiting their hygienist on a regular basis.
